Identity Theorem

Freitag, Eberhard., Busam, Rolf. Complex Analysis. Germany: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009 

Page 125

The Identity theorem is a fundamental concept in complex analysis that states that if two analytic functions defined on an open set have the same values on a sequence of points that have a limit point in the set, then the two functions are equal on the entire open set. In other words, the values of an analytic function on a certain set uniquely determine the function itself.

This theorem is widely used in complex analysis to prove the uniqueness of analytic functions, which are functions that can be represented as a convergent power series in a complex variable. It also plays a crucial role in the study of Riemann's zeta function and Riemann's Last Theorem, as it allows us to show that the zeta function has only one analytic continuation. This property is crucial in the proof of Riemann's Last Theorem and other important theorems in number theory.

Overall, the Identity theorem is a powerful tool in complex analysis, allowing us to establish the uniqueness of analytic functions and providing a foundation for many important results in mathematics.

Despite  identity theorem simplicity, this theorem is incredibly powerful and finds frequent applications in our research.

Important note: f and g cannot be divergent everywhere, and at least one of the functions must be convergent in D.

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The Identity Theorem is an important result in complex analysis, particularly in the study of holomorphic (complex-differentiable) functions. It states the following:

Identity Theorem for Holomorphic Functions: If two holomorphic functions f and g are defined on a connected open set D in the complex plane, and they are equal on a set of points that has an accumulation point inside D, then f is equal to g on the entire set D. In other words, if two holomorphic functions agree on a set with a limit point in their domain, they must be identical everywhere on the connected domain.

Key Concepts:

  • Holomorphic functions: These are functions of a complex variable that are differentiable at every point in their domain.
  • Accumulation point: A point where there are infinitely many points from the set arbitrarily close to it.
  • Connected domain: A region that cannot be split into disjoint, separate parts.

Importance of the Identity Theorem: The Identity Theorem is significant because it tells us that if two holomorphic functions agree on a small set of points with an accumulation point, their behavior on the entire domain is determined. This is a stronger property than for real-valued functions, where two functions might agree on a large set but still differ elsewhere.

Example: Suppose f(z) and g(z) are holomorphic on some domain D, and they agree on a sequence of points in D that accumulate at a point within D. According to the Identity Theorem, f(z) = g(z) for all z in D.

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